Types of Maps

Alpenverein Maps

The classic Alpenvereinskarte series is a joint project of the German and Austrian Alpine Clubs and has been impressive since 1865 thanks to its high level of accuracy, extremely detailed depiction of terrain and rock and its up-to-dateness. These are available in either walking (red), ski (blue), or a combination (red with blue stripe).

DAV Bayerische Alpen Maps

The map series of the Bavarian Alps is the successful result of a cooperation between the German Alpine Club and the Bavarian State Office for Digitization, Broadband and Surveying (LDBV). Based on the topographical 1:25,000 maps of the LDBV, selected leaf sections were combined with the ski and snowshoe routes and sanctuaries of the German Alpine Club and the leisure trails of the LDBV. The result is probably the best quality maps for outdoor activities in the Bavarian mountains.

Alpenverein Expedition Maps

Topographic map series produced by various organizations over high peak summits.


Finding the right map

The office members are here to help, were able, but cannot provide specific details for your trip. The Alpenverein have created the below tools to help provide the details you need to best plan your next trip. Alternatively, please see the Resources section of our website for more helpful tips. As a member, you can also join the Facebook Members group to ask fellow members for their recommendations, suggestions and more. Best of luck with your planning!

For those interested in purchasing a map, please use the below Map Overview or the Österreichischer Alpenverein | Geodaten (an interactive map) to ascertain the map you require.

Alpenverein Map Overview:

AV Map Overview